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CRM 2015 – Javascript – Opening a Web Resource

Javascript function from the Namespace Xrm.Utility that can be called to open a Web Resource with the possibility of adding parameters. Bare in mind that cannot that this function will not work with Microsoft Dynamics CRM for tablets.

Xrm.Utility.openWebResource(webResourceName,webResourceData,width, height)   Parameters    

Name Type Required Description




The name of the HTML web resource to open.




Data to be passed into the data parameter.




The width of the window to open in pixels.




The height of the window to open in pixels. Return Value Window object. Remarks An HTML web resource can accept the parameter values described in Passing Parameters to HTML Web Resources . This function only provides for passing in the optional data parameter. To pass values for the other valid parameters, you must append them to the webResourceName parameter. Examples Open an HTML web resource named “new_webResource.htm”

Xrm.Utility.openWebResource( "new_webResource.htm" ); 

Open an HTML web resource including a single item of data for the data parameter

Xrm.Utility.openWebResource( "new_webResource.htm" , "dataItemValue" ); 

Open an HTML web resource passing multiple values through the data parameter

 var  customParameters = encodeURIComponent( "first=First Value&second=Second Value&third=Third Value" );Xrm.Utility.openWebResource( "new_webResource.htm" ,customParameters); 

Note These values have to be extracted from the value of the data parameter in the HTML web resource. For more information, see Sample: Pass multiple values to a web resource through the data parameter

Open an HTML web resource with the parameters expected by HTML web resources

Xrm.Utility.openWebResource( "new_webResource.htm?typename=account&userlcid=1033" ); 

For more information, see Passing Parameters to HTML Web Resources .

Open an HTML web resource, setting the height and width

Xrm.Utility.openWebResource( "new_webResource.htm" , null , 300,300); 

Hope can help you.
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