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Azure Key Vault – Using in arm template parameter files

Let’s start from the beginning, Microsoft says:

“Azure Key Vault is a tool for securely storing and accessing secrets. A secret is anything that you want to tightly control access to, such as API keys, passwords, or certificates. A vault is a logical group of secrets.”

A colleague of mine told me about using a key vault reference in an arm template parameters file, the idea would be for accessing data like a password of a user for an SQL Server connection.

The idea was brilliant, first, no passwords referenced in any file, second, deploying to a new environment, only thing that we need to change is the Resurce Group name, and Artifact name (Key Vault Name) from the ID of the resource.

That part it is easy if you work with some standard naming convention, for Azure purpose, and mentioned already in my previous post. Link:

As an example please see below JSON parameter, this is an example from a parameter file.

“sql_1_password”: { “reference”: { “keyVault”: { “id”: “/subscriptions/[Dubscription Id]/resourceGroups/[Resource Group]/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/[Key Vault Name]” }, “secretName”: “[Sql Password]” }

So, you would have one parameter file per environment, the only thing you would need to change from example above is [Resoure Group] and [Key Vault Name], keeping the same secret name in the other key vaults in the other resource groups will work with no problems at all.

In next post will tell another scenario where using Key Vault in arm parameters files is useful.

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